Mo:好啊~ 是要用腳把它踩扁扁嗎?
Ma:是用手採不是用腳踩... 不一樣...
I had been thinking about strawberries since December.
After two hours on the train and another two hours on the bus, we finally arrived 大湖 an hour before it was totally dark.
Two of us were shouting and jumping over excitement when we saw all the strawberries fields surrounded by mountains.
Mo ran around in the field immediately getting every "big and red" strawberry she found.
In the mean time, I was getting worried for the amount of strawberries accumulated in our basket but I just couldn't damp down Mo's spirits.
Anyway, who can resist from strawberries?
We then enjoyed strawberry ice cream and strawberry da fu in the strawberry museum with two big box of strawberries, Mo's strawberry balloon and my strawberry wine in our hands.
It's was one o'clock in the morning when we got home.
Mo:採草莓實在是太好玩了! 可是我不喜歡吃草莓ㄟ~
Ma:可是你喜歡草莓冰淇淋啊? 草莓冰淇淋就是用草莓做的啊!
P. S. We also had hotpot in 辣霸子 with Wei Wei on Monday night.