Tuesday, 5 November 2013

A Drawing of England

There is an ancient Chinese book which teaches kids about all the virtues, and the most important of all, to be nice to your parents.
The book is still used in schools nowadays.

Last week, Mo learned that people should give their parents what their like, and avoid what the parents dislike.
She gave me this after I finished cooking last night, a drawing of England, with the Beefeater bear and the Union Jack.

I had never really appreciated what that old book says until now.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Wonderland of Animals and Insects of Taiwan by Paper Windmill

It's always fun to see tiny things become huge, and vise versa.
This Saturday, Mo and I went to the wonderland of animals and insects of Taiwan to see these massive replicas with interesting twists.

Ever been to the bellies of a whale and a gigantic millepede?
We have!

Monday, 23 September 2013

Moon Festival 2013

Happy Moon Festival!!!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Big Progress

This weekend, Mo learned to swim with her head under the water, and ride her bike without the baby wheels.
How about that?

Monday, 19 August 2013

Annual Retreat and Ghost Festival

The annual retreat for my PhD program was a great excuse for us to go to Taichung.
What the presentations were about, I don't really remember now.
But I clearly remember Mo's happy face after we played every game in the night market and won a pile of prizes.

We spent the last day in Taoyuan for the ghost festival.
That banana chiffon cake we made with Grandpa was perfect.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Mental Torture

"My husband" came to me to accuse me that I make Mo cry for fun when he is not around and I mentally torture my own daughter.
One could never hurt a woman more by calling her a bad mother.
And the man certainly uses his weapon well.

Well, I guess the zoo has become my comforting place.
A walk with Mo in the zoo always cheers me up.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Swim with Rubber Duckies

We swam with thousands of rubber duckies!!!
It was like a dream came true.

Mo also got her first ukulele that Saturday night.
It has been one of mommy's crazy fantasies to play together someday.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Monsters University

It was totally stupid to see the movie with the crazy crowd on Sunday, but Mo and I couldn't wait any longer.
As seeing one of the movies wasn't satisfying enough, we bought the Monsters, Inc. DVD on the way home.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Steak Dinner with Candles and Ring Toss Game

I am not sure if any 5-year-old asks for steak dinner with candles, but at least my 5-year-old does.
There was no where to go with the pouring rain on Sunday, so we played the night market ring toss game at home.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Mo and Cindy, Love and Kisses

Translations: Mo and Cindy, Love and Kisses

Although it still hurts every time when "my husband" calls me a bad mother who destroys her own daughter, or says that he stays to save Mo from me, I can always find my comfort.

These drawings usually appeared somewhere unexpectedly.
I didn't even know that Mo had learned to write my name.

I know I wasn't prepared when I became a mother.
But I love Mo and I am doing my best.
I guess only time will tell that if I am the terrible woman that I have been accused of.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Weekend in Taichung

Who would've thought that my brother will be working in Taichung?
Anyway, there is another good reason to visit the city now.
It was non-stop gossip, laughing and eating for the weekend!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

15 April 2013

OK, I am 32 now.

Early Celebration for 15 April 2013

The schedule for this great day was:
1. lunch in Mama's Kitchen,
2. factory tour provided by the Namchow Group, and
3. pizza and cup cake DIY with Grandpa.

Mama's Kitchen (Chinese Web Page) http://www.mamaskitchen.com.tw/info.php?index=1
Namchow Group (Chinese Web Page) http://www.namchow.com.tw/

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Mo Mo Bear

On the way to the Mo Mo park, we found this poor bear sitting with the trash.
Mo saved the bear, gave her a good bath and took her home.

Mo, I think we did a pretty good thing.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Big Girl

Mo asked me if she could go to Kidsburgh with her friends from the school ALONE, without me.
I felt like my teenager girl was asking my permission for a night out with her boyfriend already...

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Little Vacation in Sanyi and Dahu

It is quite difficult to ignore strawberries when everything is pink or red with strawberry flavour in the strawberry season and we just love to pick them with our own hands.
To avoid hours of travelling this time, we went to a little town Sanyi first which is famous for its long history of wood carving to spend the afternoon painting our own wooden rabbit and wooden duck.

The old factory was once one of the top companies that made wooden ducks and sculptures.
From hunting baits to pressures collectibles, the wooden ducks could not support the declining industry and the factory is now transformed and provides factory tours.
Since there wasn't any schedule, Mo and I then wondered around in the surrounding area and looked at the real ducks that Mo found for quite some time.

The hotel we stayed that night isn't worthy to mention since that was the only one we could get without making any reservation.
Anyway, Mo is happy as long as she is sleeping  in a hotel.

The next day we finally arrived Dahu, our favourite strawberry growing town where all the strawberry fields along the roads are open to visitors in the strawberry season.
Although Mo doesn't eat any strawberry, running around in the strawberry fields and picking strawberries were good enough to make her ecstatic.

Just like the last time, we all got handful of strawberry staff and great satisfaction home.

Wooden Duck Factory (Chinese Web Page)
Picking Strawberries in Dahu (Chinese Web Page)

Monday, 4 March 2013

Tomb Sweeping Day

It was an unexpected four-day-vacation that was totally wasted as I was overwhelmed by the hatred for "my husband" the whole time.
The only thing worth to mention was the family reunion for the tomb sweeping day.
The little boys in the picture are actually Mo's uncles, and my cousins.
Mo couldn't quite accept the concept though.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Taipei Lantern Festival 2013

When I was trying my best to think of something to do for the Saturday night, I got a phone call from my auntie.
My grandma was in Taipei and she wanted us to meet for the lantern festival!

The festival has been one of the coolest event in a year.
Although it was too crowded and too big to see everything, walking together under thousands of lanterns still made the night quite wonderful. 

And, the festival got even cooler the next day...