Monday, 19 August 2013

Annual Retreat and Ghost Festival

The annual retreat for my PhD program was a great excuse for us to go to Taichung.
What the presentations were about, I don't really remember now.
But I clearly remember Mo's happy face after we played every game in the night market and won a pile of prizes.

We spent the last day in Taoyuan for the ghost festival.
That banana chiffon cake we made with Grandpa was perfect.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Mental Torture

"My husband" came to me to accuse me that I make Mo cry for fun when he is not around and I mentally torture my own daughter.
One could never hurt a woman more by calling her a bad mother.
And the man certainly uses his weapon well.

Well, I guess the zoo has become my comforting place.
A walk with Mo in the zoo always cheers me up.