Monday, 30 August 2010

Biking/Grandparents' Day

I haven't had this heavy exercise since I was pregnant with Mo...
I rode that with Princess Mo at the back seat and tried to catch up with my university friends roaring past on two wheels for 15km.
Mo enjoyed the green view with breeze all the way and She was so excited about feeding the goats.
My butt hurt the whole weekend.

I miss sweating a lot as I rarely get the chance to exercise without Mo's company.
Thanks to the government.
These well-organized bike trails along riversides are certainly good places to go for leisure.
We don't even have to worry about the bikes since there are bike rentals at major sights with very good qualities.
I can't wait for the day that Mo can ride on her own.

Everybody knows that Mo talks like me.
For some reason, She thought the biking was a fashion.
Mo repeated "時尚的感覺" on her princess's ride for 1000 times that day especially to uncle 勇力 with his UV protection hat on.
We all laughed our asses off.

Mo and I then rushed to 霧峰 with Jeff for the opening of ACES new school on Sunday which ended up with some "get wasted" party as usual.
I couldn't even figure out what he was saying when he finally took my call and we were already on our way back to 台北.
But anyway, we got to see my grandparents and we always had a good time in that house.

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