Friday, 10 December 2010


Mo woke up early in the morning without any complain as soon as I said "Let's go play with the animals!"
We joined another DIY activity after breakfast to paint our own pottery cows.
I like Mo's with concepts of modern art.

Mo met all of her animal friends again.
This time, she held a baby duck, rode the horses and walked the lambs.
This little one wasn't afraid of anything.
We had lots of fun running around like crazy mad women on the grass.

I was going to leave this day as a free day.
We could go somewhere else before visiting my family in 霧峰.
However, Jeff the Asshole had his friends all met up in the ranch without notifying me.
I didn't care about Jeff.
He was away every 5 minutes for his cigarettes and beers anyway.
But I was really pissed off that I was forced to walk with those people in my vacation with Mo.
What else could I say?
An asshole is an asshole.
He will never respect the others.

The drunk accused me as a bitch who isn't interested in anything at dinner again in front of his friends.
Obviously I bored him a lot as the only thing could not interest me is that drunk old man.
I wish he could find someone as "cool" as he is from my heart though.

We arrived my grandparents' house late.
Mo showed the whole family how everyone eats the ball puddings from Flying Cow Ranch.
It was nice to see them.

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