I am really glad that people like my daughter.
But is that necessary to insult me for expressing your like!?
But is that necessary to insult me for expressing your like!?
歐巴桑: ㄛ~ 好可愛的小孩ㄛ 是你女兒嗎
Old Lady: Oh~ What a lovely baby! Is she your daughter?
李媽媽: 是ㄚ
Ma: Yes.
歐巴桑: 長得不像你ㄚ 她爸爸一定長得超級帥
Old Lady: She is nothing like you. Her dad must be a real hottie.
李媽媽: ......
Ma: ......
歐巴桑: ㄛ~這個小孩的眼睛好漂亮ㄛ 是混血兒嗎
Old Lady: Oh~ What the pretty eyes this baby has! Is she mixed?
李媽媽: 是ㄚ
Ma: Yes.
歐巴桑: 還好是像到爸爸 像到你就可惜了
Old Lady: Thank God she looks like her dad. It would be such a shame if she had your eyes.
李媽媽: ......
Ma: ......
歐巴桑: 好漂亮ㄛ~ 好可愛ㄛ~ 是你生的嗎
Old Lady: Oh~ What a lovely baby! Is she your daughter?
李媽媽: 是ㄚ
Ma: Yes.
歐巴桑: ......(仔細端詳中) 嗯這一定是像爸爸
Old Lady: ......(Scanning) She must look like her dad.
李媽媽: ......
Ma: ......
Am I so damn ugly!? Huh!?