Tuesday, 2 March 2010

First Post

This should be No. 1, maybe No. 2, definitely top 5 temple in Taipei. I think everybody goes there at certain points in his/her life with all kinds of problems.
The building itself is classic with great details. However, it's getting more and more like a theme park full of balloons, souvenirs and people taking pics.

I like the lantern wall.

The plaza with fountains is new. It's right across the street.

The idea of having a blog for records started a long time ago as I am showing the primary symptom of aging, losing memories.
In case of all are lost in time, I better write them down and the first post is coming out today at last...
As everybody knows, the most important thing for a research assistant is prey, especially for someone doing cloning.
I went to the temple as well to save my job and solve Jeff's cancer crisis.
What the good things are I've gotten the clones and Jeff is fine.
Like we say it in Chinese, 有拜有保祐, don't underestimate the power of Gods!